The primary goals of our undergraduate program are to foster in our students the abilities to think more logically,
effectively carry out field research, analyze and understand different sociocultural phenomena, interpret future
social trends in business and education and, most importantly, to learn the skills to be a constructive member of
today's global society. For students with a particular interest in business, we offer a Business and Society program
consisting of a series of courses specifically designed to enhance their training in this field.
The curriculum of our department is designed so that upon completion of the undergraduate program, our students
should be prepared to either continue to intensify their ability to study in a graduate program or to enter the job market
with the skills needed to perform their job well.
Building upon these skills, our master and doctorate programs further develop our students' abilities for two major
purposes: to cultivate well-trained professional sociologists and to instill in our students the importance of having
concern for the welfare of humanity. In order to encourage our graduate program students reach their potential,
we offer awards to students for outstanding dissertations. Furthermore, we offer Research Assistantships and
Teaching Assistantships to students who are interested and qualified.
There are four substantive areas of study for students to enroll in our graduate programs. These areas of
research focus include Sociological Theory and Intellectual History, Political Economy, Culture and History,
Stratification and Education.
Internationalizing our department is a primary goal for us in the increasingly global society as we are a member
of it. Because of this, we encourage our students to partake in programs allowing them to go abroad to study and
to participate in international conferences. Great effort is made to invite scholars to our department for teaching
positions, to give speeches at our department or to present research papers at the international conferences
we host here.
Recent graduates are found in every occupation and profession. Some graduates pursue professions in education,
journalism, business administration, social work, law, public administration and in NGOs. Graduate programs in
sociology further prepare students for both academic and professional careers.
For our graduate programs, we will consider any applicants regardless of their educational discipline or nationality.
We especially welcome any foreign student applicants that have at least a basic proficiency in Chinese. If you are
interested in applying or would like to request more information, please feel free to contact us.
Faculty member
fields of research which include: Sociological Theory, European Intellectual History, Social Research Methods,
Historical Sociology, Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology, Political Sociology, Social Organization, Sociology of Education,
Social Movement, Social Stratification, Labor Market, Visual Culture, Class Analysis, Post-colonial Studies,
Gender Studies and Science, Technology and Societies (STS), Digital Social Innovation.
Cheng-shu Kao (Professor Emeritus)
Ph.D., Ohio State University
Economy Sociology, Historical Sociology, Taiwanese Society and Economy
Chieh-hsuan Chen
Ph.D., Tunghai University
Economic Sociology, Historical Sociology, Sociological Theory
Kang Chao
Ph.D., University of Kansas
Sociological Theory, Social Movement, Labor Studies
Ruey-ming Tsai
Ph.D., Cornell University
Social Stratification, Organizational Sociology, Sociology of Education, Social Research Methods
Yen-ning Chao
Ph.D., Cornell University
Cultural Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Transnational and Migration Studies
Jeng Liu
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Labor Market, Productivity Studies, Quantitative Methods, Organizational Theory and Design
You-ren Yang
Ph.D., National Taiwan University
Global Production Networks(GPNs), Critical Urban Studies, China's Neo-liberal Urban-rural Transition, Cultural Activism and Social Movement
Fei-wen Jeng
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Lancaster
Cultural and Gender Studies, Visual Culture Post-colonial Theory
Chih-cheng Jeng
Associate Professor & Chair
Ph.D., Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universitaet Bonn
Sociological Theory, Intellectual History of Europe, Methodology, Historical Sociology
Chung-hsien Huang
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Economic Sociology, Political Sociology, Class Analysis
Cheng-hui Lucy Chen
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Biotechnology and Society, Rural Sociology, Statistics and Research Methods, Survey Research
Wei-pang Wang
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Quantitative Methods, Sociology of Health and Illness, Aging and Life Course, Sociology of Mental Health
Kan-lin Hsu
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Lancaster University, UK
Economic Sociology, Sociology of Health and Illness, State Theory
Sung-Yueh Perng
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Lancaster University, UK
Science and Technology Studies, Mobilities Studies, Urban Studies, Digital Social Innovation
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