Chen, Wen-Den
The Dean of the College of Social Sciences, is Professor of the Department of Economics .
In 2001, Dr. Chen joined Department of Economics , Tunghai University,and promoted to
be Full Professor in 2009. Dr. Chen received his PhD degree from the Department of Institute
of Business and Management, National Chiao Tung University , 1997. Dr. Chen's research
interests include Econometrics、Time Series Analysis、Panel Data Analysis. So far, he has
published almost 30 journal articles and book chapters.
Dr. Chen has won the honor of Fulbright Visiting Scholar , Bryant University Economics
Department in 2013-2014. Also, he has served as the Chair of Economics Department, 2009-2012;
the Section Chief, University Development Planning Section in 2015-2016 ;Acting Dean,
International College in 2017/02-2017/08,and By August 2018, he was elected as the
Dean of the College of Social Sciences.